Todas las Lecciones



lesson one image

101 – LECCIÓN 1: Introducción a los plásticos oceánicos

Lesson 1 provides an overview of plastic, explains plastic Resin Identification Codes, and explains how to sort and recycle plastic correctly.


102 – LECCIÓN 2: Microplásticos

What are Microplastics: An introduction to microplastics including sources of microplastics and why microplastics are an issue.

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103 – LECCIÓN 3: Viaje del plástico al océano

The Journey of Plastics to the Ocean: An introduction to how plastics become ocean plastics including the common pathways for plastics to reach the ocean.

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104 – LECCIÓN 4: ¿Por qué hay tanto plástico?

In this lesson, we will take a closer look at why there is so much plastic available to become plastic pollution.


105 – LECCIÓN 5: Impactos de la contaminación por plásticos en los océanos

Plastic is ubiquitous and interacts with all aspects of the biosphere. There is no other single anthropogenic (human-made) contaminant that has had such a wide spectrum of direct exposure across all levels of biology.

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206 – LECCIÓN 6: Economía circular del plástico

Learn about the concept of a circular economy, exploring its two fundamental cycles and three guiding principles. Understand the benefits and the importance of traditional knowledge with a specific focus on transitioning to and the advantages of a circular economy for plastic.

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207 – LECCIÓN 7: Pasar a la acción

Encouraging Behavioural Changes: An overview of how to encourage and enable behavioural changes that would work towards preventing and collecting ocean plastics, and encourage people to ‘join the ocean plastics cause’.

sistema de reciclaje de plásticos

208 – LECCIÓN 8: Pasar a la acción, crear un sistema de reciclaje de plásticos

Recycling System Planning: An overview of how to set up a recycling system for ocean plastics prevention and management: essentially a “Master Recycler’ course aimed at anyone who seeks to collect or process plastics or ocean plastics.


209 – LECCIÓN 9: Utilizar la política para marcar la diferencia

How to Use Policies to Affect Change: An overview of the kinds of policies that exist that could stem the flow of ocean plastics into the environment (e.g., extended producer responsibility, deposit return systems, green procurement, funding tools).

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210 – LECCIÓN 10: Abogar por el cambio

How to Advocate for Change: An overview of ‘how to advocate for change’ (e.g., in policies or actions), using Canada as the example location for that advocacy.

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